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My Vocation Story

I was born into a family of five. My parents, me, and two brothers. I am the eldest in my family. About 19 years ago in 2004, I felt that Jesus was calling me to sacrifice everything and follow him. I was a highly ambitious, career-oriented, independent, and entirely worldly person. I was the most fashionable girl in my town. Practically every week I used to go shopping & loved buying expensive, branded, latest-style wristwatches clothing, footwear, and perfumes. I used to love eating at good hotels and restaurants. Participating in fashion shows at the parish level and regional level, and attending midnight parties, night clubs/discos, etc. were some of my hobbies. Several times I won prizes in fashion shows and dance competitions. My styling and dance used to capture the attention of many young boys and girls. I was leading a materialistic and consumerist life and was never attracted to religious life nor did I take much interest in prayers or the Eucharist. In other words, I was a Sunday Christian. For me, many times Jesus was a non-existential reality. However, my parents were devout Christians.

After completing my Master's in Social Work and Research Methodology from the College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan, I worked for six years in the development sector. Though I had a good job and was settled in my career, for a better future I wanted to settle down in Australia. I made definite plans to settle down in Australia and started the procedures too. I had started collecting the necessary documents, and references and was about to pay the assessment fees. Though I had everything in my life, somehow I was not content. I was longing for inner joy, peace, and happiness. At this juncture in time, I felt a strong energy pulling me back and saying “This is not your way”. I heard my inner voice telling me not to proceed further and felt that Jesus is calling me to serve his people, to proclaim his good news by the way of joining religious life. It was a shock for me, I could not believe that I could be a nun since I was immersed in a materialistic world and none of my characteristics matched those of religious life. I thought God was playing with me. I tried my level best to get rid of my thoughts. But the more I was pushing those thoughts aside, the more and more they started crippling me.

From then onward, the entire approach towards my life completely changed. I started reading the Bible, developed an immense interest in prayer life, watched channels like EWTN and Miracle Net, and did online research on various religious congregations, their mission, etc. I also appeared for the online test of my vocation to religious life and to my surprise, I got the highest ranking. Thereafter I made a three days short retreat under the guidance of Sr. Patsy Khan the then provincial of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary, India, North Province in the 1st week of September 2004. My vacation was further confirmed by a Jesuit priest Fr. Francis who then became my spiritual director.

I gave up my job in May 2005 and started working with the Missionaries of Charity, serving the orphans and destitute in Mumbai. The desire to commit my life to Jesus grew day by day and that’s how I joined the society of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary on the 10th of September 2005. It was an unforgettable day in my life because from there on my ways and dreams for my life changed from those of my parents. My family was not ready to accept my decision to join a religious life at any cost because of the type of life I led. I had shattered all their dreams of getting married and settling. For the next six years, I struggled in my relationship with my parents. My mobility was restricted, my communication and my food were also stopped by my parents' thought that I will give up my plans of joining the religious life. But the desire to join religious life grew day by day. I became more firm in my decision. It was very hard for all my friends and relatives to believe this unbelievable fact of my life. I was the hot topic of discussion in my village, in my parish, in marketplaces, and in my relations. Some said.. she joined maybe perhaps she did not find a good match for her…some said she joined because of the influence of her best friend who is a nun in the same congregation…some said she will come back within six months…others said this life is not meant for her…she is highly independent person… and what not…while I remained unaffected by their talks.

After the completion of the novitiate, on 15th August 2010, I made my 1st vows. This was another remarkable day in my life when a reunion between me and my parents took place. Finally, they accepted me and my way of life.

Today, dear friends, God has chosen me to proclaim His Good News through my profession as a human rights lawyer and social activist. I am specialized in imparting trainings/workshops on life skills, legal, gender, and justice-related issues at state and national levels. I have a passion to work for the poor and marginalized without any discrimination of religion, gender, class, and caste.

In this world of today where the majority of people are crazy after acquiring wealth, position, power, and prestige, there is no room for God and His kingdom values. My question is; can money, power, and prestige bring true happiness? In our individualistic, materialistic, and selfish world that tends to ignore and even deny the cries of the poor, needy and marginalized, it becomes extremely challenging to find opportunities to really breathe spiritual air. We are trying to find happiness in all the stuff around us which limits our search to only what can be experienced through our physical senses. But it won't satisfy. The real recipe for happiness and contentment is in finding food for our souls, being attentive to His call in our lives, experiencing divine truth, and responding courageously and zealously.

About my congregation

The society of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary was born in 1790 during the French Revelation when as you know many Nuns and priests were guillotined. That would explain the absence of an exterior distinguishing sign in us. The stalwarts of our society I mean the founders were Marie Adelaide de Cice and Fr. Peter Joseph de Clorivière who braved the stormy weather of the French revolution. The characteristics of our congregation: authentic and demanding religious life in a flexible form without uniformity or distinctive sign. We welcome those impeded by real duties provided that these are compatible with religious life. It makes possible mission in the community, individual level, and apostolic presence in family life and in professions. The authenticity of our religious life depends on each one’s availability and fidelity to Christ.

Dear friends, we count on your prayers that God sustains us in these challenging times to say yes to God’s call.

Sr. Adv. Rushila Rebello

Premankur, St. Pius College Campus, Goregaon.

Currently pursuing Ph.D. on Domestic Violence from the College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan affiliated to the University of Mumbai.

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Society of Daughters of the Heart of Mary

India North Province

Provincial, Premankur,
St. Pius X College Campus,
Aarey Road,
Goregaon East,
Mumbai 400063

(022) 29270951/52

(+91) 9819088052

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